About Us
Our company culture drives us to continue learning and implementing new and innovative technologies. We are dedicated to finding sustainable environmental solutions for the marine environment, whilst providing our clients with assured dependability.
Marine Electrical specialists across Australia & Oceania
Brisbane | Sydney | Fremantle | Melbourne | Port of Hedland Port of Dampier | Darwin | Adelainde | Newcastle | Cairns | Tasmania | Auckland | Otatara/Bluff | Port Moresby | Noumea | Papetee | Song Cam
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Nominated – Maritime Innovation Award 2022
*INFORMATION AND IMAGES TAKEN FROM CORROSION.NL WEBSITE. We have been nominated for the Maritime Innovation Award 2022 with our UV-C Cooler! Very proud of the recognition by our peers for years of research and hard work. Resulting in this completely Dutch and...
Press Release – CORROSION’s newly designed UV-C Cooler means goodbye to dry docking
*INFORMATION AND IMAGES TAKEN FROM CORROSION.NL WEBSITE. Officially launched in July 2022, CORROSION’s newly designed sustainable UV-C Cooler is already proving highly popular with large tugboat manufacturers, dredgers and a host of other maritime customers worldwide....